id-8 :  Oxford dictionary: Ideate [aɪ.di.eɪt] is to form an idea of a particular thing


We are a small team of creative experienced professionals. We have +20 years of experience with industrial design i all it's phases, projecttypes and scales.

Anders Vestergaard Sonnichsen

     Cand. arch., DGNB-konsultant

     and specialist in sustainable design

Anne-Mette Sonnichsen

     Cand. arch. and Ph.D. in UI (User Interface Design)

Let's hear from you

Our locations:

# Copenhagen, Denmark

Halvtolv 16

1436 Copenhagen K

Tel. +45 3028 9000

# Silkeborg, Denmark

Dybbølvej 13

8600 Silkeborg

Tel. +45 2049 2555

CVR nr.: DK-21082473